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Creating an Apple ID


Any organization that is publishing an iOS app will require:

This article provides information on Apple ID, its usage, and how you can create it.


Every iPhone or iPad user would have already created an Apple ID. This ID is used to set up their device, and the user can rely on this ID to sign in to any iOS device. Additionally, they can share their Apple ID with their family.

We recommend setting up a brand new Apple ID for publishing mobile apps.

The main reasons for this are:

  • The ID to be used for app publishing may have to be shared between you and our team.
  • If you use a personal ID, then you may risk unauthorized access to personal content as the ID will have to be shared.

To set up an Apple ID, please visit Apple's Apple ID page.

The process of creating an Apple ID is straightforward. All that is required is to click Create Your Apple ID and follow the on-screen instructions.


App-Specific Password

Once the Apple ID has been created, the business will also have to:

  • Generate an App-Specific Password: This password will allow our team to submit the app for publishing.
  • Share the password with us in Slack or at