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In-App Campaigns - Automated Reviews

In-App Campaigns - Reviews

We are happy to announce the launch of Campaigns!  The first installment of our automated marketing campaigns will be the Reviews Add-on. Use this feature to take control of your online reputation and get your business to the top of web search results by boosting your star ratings. 


Note: The Reviews Add-on can only be used on apps running the latest source code. In order to use this feature you'll need to purchase the add-on for your app account.


After the reviews add-on has been added to your account, log into the app to set up your campaign! 

1. Navigate to Grow and select Campaigns to get started. 

2. Start by adding your business' location(s). If you have multiple locations, you can add unique names for each. For example, Jack's Pizza La Jolla.  

3. Next, select the check boxes next to the Review sites you would like to use within the campaign and enter the Review Site URLs . Hit Save to move onto the next step.

  • Google: Simply search for the location and the URL will automatically populate
  • Yelp: Enter the location's Yelp page URL
  • Facebook: Enter the location's Facebook page URL
  • Trip Advisor: Enter the location's Trip Advisor URL

Note: To remove or rename a Location, hover over the location and select the three dot icon. A dropdown will appear prompting to remove or rename the location. 

4. After you have set up your Locations, move onto Triggers. Triggers are the events and actions we use to initiate a review request from the customer. 

  • Reward- Prompts the customer to leave a review after redeeming a loyalty reward. In order to use this trigger, your app must contain a Loyalty feature.
  • Commerce- Prompts the customer for a review after making a purchase. In order to use this trigger, your app must contain a Merchandise feature. 
  • Food Ordering- Prompts the customer for a review after ordering food through the app. In order to use this trigger, your app must contain a Food Ordering feature. 
  • Usage- Prompts the customer for a review after they have engaged with the app a certain number of times. This trigger can be applied to any feature within the app. 

5. For each Trigger, you can: 

  • Set Prompt Timing: At what point during the experience your customer will receive the prompt to leave a review. 
  • Customize Message: Enter your own message to prompt the customer to leave a review. This message will appear for immediate prompts
  • Push Notification: Send a push notification directly to the customer. Push notifications will be sent for delayed prompts. 

Note:  The Push Notification prompt is only available for the Food Ordering and Merchandise Trigger. 

Receiving Reviews: 

When the prompt appears to leave a review, the customer will be asked if they were satisfied or not with their service. When a customer selects the Satisfied prompt, they will be redirected to the review sites of your choice. When a customer selects the Dissatisfied prompt, they will be redirected to a feedback form that goes directly to your email (the Client Email associated with the app - Edit Info > Client Email). 


Once your campaign is in full effect, you'll be able to see how many times a Trigger has been sent, how many reviews you've received and the Response rate. 

If you'd like automated reviews added to your app, contact support and we can get that set up for you.