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Optimizing Your Pages for SEO

To get to the Page SEO click on Website Settings -> Page SEO ( It will open up the Page SEO settings where you can add: - Meta Title - this is the title that outlines what the page is about. It is the page used by Google to show in the results page. The orange tracker shows the optimal size of the Meta Title. Make sure you have a compeplling sentece with keywords that are impo...

Setting Page Restrictions

To access the page settings click on Pages and on top of each page you have a pencil icon that opens the Page Settings. ( In the Page Settings you can adjust the access levels. ( You can have the page: - Public - visible to everyone - Password Protected - requiring a pas...

Copying an Existing Page

To copy an existing page go to Pages -> Add New -> Page and select Existing Page button ( ( Then in the Page Creation popup from the Page Template select the page you want to duplicate. You have two options: - Template page - select one of the page designs from th...

Creating a New Page in Bosscart

To create a new page click on Pages button in middle left of your screen. ( Then click on Add New button on top ( It will open up the options for Page, Popup, Folder etc. and click on Page (